Glen Onoko Estates, Inc.

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Rules & Regulations

Glenn Onoko Estates Inc. Rules and Regulations 

The following rules and regulations are in addition to declaration of protective covenants and by-laws already set forth as well as zoning ordinances of the borough of Jim Thorpe.  They may be amended, as conditions require.


Use of Motor Vehicles on GOE Roadways


The speed limit on all roadways in GOE is twenty-five (25) miles per hour.  All Pennsylvania laws and restrictions governing the use and operation of motor vehicles in GOE shall apply.  All streets within the community shall be considered a highway or traffic-way as those terms defined in the PA vehicle code, 75PA C.S. section 1 et.  seq and prevailing case law interpreting it.


No on-road parking will be permitted at any time except if you are actively engaged in removing snow from a driveway, paving or sealing a driveway, or if you are having a social function resulting in minimal on-road parking.


Sport vehicles shall include motorbikes, motorcycles, snowmobiles, go-carts and all-terrain vehicles.


Off road vehicles must register with GOE and must display valid GOE sticker.  Only property owners and invited guests are permitted to operate off-road vehicles on GOE roads.  You may obtain a sticker by leaving a message on the GOE-voice mail and a member of the board will contact you.


Vehicles operated after dusk must have operating visible headlights and taillights.


All sport and recreation vehicles must be in good operating conditions including muffler baffles.




Hunting is NOT a permitted use within an R-1 residential zone; this zone is applicable to GOE.




All domesticated animals (dogs, cats, ferrets) shall be kept in the confines of property owner’s boundaries unless the animal is on a leash under the control of a responsible person.  All deed restrictions, state and local laws, resolutions and ordinances must be observed.





Building Regulations


All deed restrictions applicable to building lots shall remain in effect and are incorporated herein as set forth in these rules and regulations.


No new construction can be started without first submitting plans to the borough and obtaining proper permits.  A copy of these permits and plans must be submitted to GOE prior to the start of construction.  These rules apply to the installation of driveways; drain piping under driveways and location of well and septic systems.


All construction must meet Jim Thorpe borough building codes, subdivision regulations, zoning ordinances, deed restrictions and any additional restrictions imposed by GOE.


In order to protect property owners within GOE, all contractors must furnish evidence to GOE that they carry $1,000,000 combined insurance and compensation.  An insurance declaration page and proof of workers’ compensation in accordance with PA law must be submitted.


Once construction begins, it must be completed within one year (1) of inception.  However, ground stability must be completed in time frame of Carbon County Conservation District rules and regulations.


Before the installation of any paved or unpaved driveway or the paving of an existing driveway on any lot within GOE, a lot owner may be required to install a drainage pipe under the driveway to allow the unimpeded flow of water along the GOE right-away.  An exemption from this requirement may be requested in writing and submitted to the board for consideration.


Owners are expected to maintain property and/or structures within acceptable standards.  If health or safety hazards are apparent or the property is considered to be an unattractive nuisance, the owner will be given 30 days to correct the problem.


The Jim Thorpe borough-burning ordinance must be observed.  Permission for all outside construction burning must be received from the Carbon County Communications Center at 570-325-9111.  A minimum of 30 minutes notice in advance is required before starting a fire.  The fire must be attended at all times, with a nearby source of water, such as a garden hose immediately available.


A dumpster is required prior to the start of any construction for the collection and disposal of all construction refuse and debris, unless the debris is removed on a daily basis.






New Construction Rules


Prior to construction, a meeting with GOE board members, contractor, and property owner must be held at the building site for review.  You may contact the GOE board by leaving a voice mail at (570) 325-8565.  Please give us one-week notice.


Prior to the start of any work with the exception of percolation test, property owner must submit detailed plans showing all work, including but not limited to :  Location of driveway, any drainage components if required.  Any grade changes in excess of 18” must be shown on a general plot plan.  A general time frame of the work start to finish must be projected.  Contractors name must also be provided, unless it is an owner/builder project.  These plans must be received at least 30 days prior to start of work.


Property owner will be required to provide a $1000.00 deposit (made payable to GOE) prior to commencement of any work.  These funds will be held in escrow until the work is completed.  Property owner or contractor should contact GOE via voice mail to set up an inspection of common areas upon completion.  Barring any damages to the common properties, deposit or appropriate portion thereof will be refunded to the property owner.  Contractor and property owner will be responsible for the conduct and actions of any and all subcontractors at all times during the period of construction while on GOE property.


NOTE:  For properties adjacent to finished roadway, no track mounted excavation equipment may touch roadway surface.  Use of heavy planks or rubber blast blankets is required.  Cost for ANY road damage repair will be the responsibility of the property owner and/or contractor.  Lot owner is reminded the right of way (ROW) of GOE roadways is fifty (50) feet.  An exception to this is Woodside Drive, which is forty (40) feet.  Any structure constructed by property owner’s contractor in GOE ROW shall be considered at property owner’s risk.  GOE waives any liability to the same.  Property owner is further reminded the presence of an additional 20-feet drainage easement in the front of all properties (parallel to roadway) should the measure be required.



General Rules


An undeveloped lot CANNOT be used for any purpose other than the building of a residential structure in accordance with the R-1 zoning regulations.


An undeveloped lot may not be used for the storage of campers, trucks, automobiles or any other vehicles or substance.


No deliberate and/or intentional act that could cause damage to roadways (i.e. draining pool water, spinning tires, etc.)


Snow being removed from driveways shall not be placed on GOE roadways.


No trespassing on other people’s properties without permission.


No littering in GOE, violators will be prosecuted.


No excessive noise as per ordinance #4.101 of Jim Thorpe Borough.


Any work on roadway surfaces shall be done by contractors authorized by GOE.



Enforcement of Rules and Regulations


All complaints by other residents of GOE must be presented in writing to the board.  You may address those complaints to:

GOE, Inc. 

1001 Glen Onoko Drive

Jim Thorpe, PA 18229


The board of directors will review the complaint and the following fine schedule will be imposed:

1st offense-written warning

2nd offense-$50.00 citation

3rd offense-$100.00 citation

Subsequent offense – amount of the fine for continuing offenders will be determined.  Non-payment will result in a complaint filed with the local magistrate and a court appearance.  This action could result in a judgment being filed in the county courthouse.


All visitors must abide by rules and regulations.  Failure to do so will result in a citation(s) issued to the property owner.


Appeals may be requested in writing within twenty (20) days of receipt of citation.  The appellant will be notified of the scheduled hearing before the board of directors and has the right to attend the hearing in person, have a representative and have the opportunity to present oral or written testimony.  The board of directors will notify the property owner when a decision is reached.

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